Martes, Marso 25, 2014

First Vita Plus's Main Products

First Vita Plus Gold

Your favorite First Vita Plus health drinks (Dalandan,Melon,Guyabano),enhanced with more Vitamin C and Calcium and less Calories.With more selected premium leaves of Moringa,Corchorus,Capsicum,Amaranthus and Ipomoea Batatas,is packed to meet your daily requirements of vitamins,minerals,micronutrients,anti-oxidants,and immunity enhancing phytochemicals.Guaranteed to provide the extra energy boost,protection from stress and maintenance of wellness,wholeness and well being.

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First Vita Plus's 5 Power Herbs



Malunggay leaves was once considered a “poor man’s vegetables” but now it is known as a “miracle tree” and “nature’s medicine cabinet” by scientists and health care workers from around the world. The reason it is called a “miracle tree” is because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can help prevent and cure many kinds of ailments.
Malunggay trees are generally grown in the backyards in countries of Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. It is said that these plants are “low maintenance,” requiring little to no care.
All parts of the malunggay tree (from the roots, trunk, and branches to the leaves, flowers, and seeds) have nutritional and medicinal uses.
Malunggay Nutrient Content:  Malunggay contains three times the potassium in bananas, four times the vitamin A in carrots, seven times the vitamin C in oranges and 2 times the calcium in a glass of milk. These substances are potent antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from getting damaged by free radicals.
Malunggay Leaves Health Benefits:
  • Eating one cup of malunggay leaves everyday can help strengthens the immune system.
  • Can help restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieve headaches and migraines.
  • Malunggay tea can help strengthen the eye muscles.
  • Malunggay tea can help heal inflammation of the joints and tendons.
  • Eating one to two cups of malunggay leaves during dinnertime can help cure constipation.
  • Contain two times the protein in milk.
  • Malunggay leaves poultice can help stop bleeding when applied directly to bleeding wound.
  • Malunggay tea can prevent intestinal worms.
  • Can help increase semen count.
  • Can help normalize blood sugar level therefore preventing diabetes.
  • Has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) that help stop the growth of cancer cells.
  • Malunggay helps promote good night sleep.
  • Malunggay tea is used to treat fever and asthma.
  • Malunggay help heals ulcers.
  • Malunggay leaves are proven to increase the flow of  milk among lactating mothers. For insufficient breast milk production take one cup of leaves at least once a day. The young malunggay leaves can also be boiled and taken as tea.
Malunggay Root Medicinal Uses:
  • The roots is used to make tea, while the trunk, after it’s scraped and squeezed for its juice is used to clean wounds.
  • Decoction of malunggay roots is taken to increase the amount of urine. It can also be use as mouthwash to help tighten the gums.
  • Poultice applied to snake bites and skin irritations.
Malunggay Seeds Medicinal Uses:
  • Malunggay seed is used to clean dirty or polluted water. According to German      research, malunggay seeds are able to clean water of low and medium turbidity (cloudiness) with 98% – 99% reduction in bacteria that cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Malunggay seed can help cure rheumatism. Just roast seeds, powder and apply on affected joints.


Capsicum fruits are referred to by several names such as chili pepper, sweet pepper and green or red pepper. The larger fruits which are also milder are known as bell peppers in some places. Capsicum is also known as paprika in some areas. Capsicum is known to be beneficial in alleviating and preventing many illnesses. It contains beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also low in fat and calories and hence does not increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Capsicum benefits are many and hence it must form a vital part of a balanced and healthy diet. Here is some more information on the health benefits of capsicum.

Capsicum Health Benefits:

  • Capsicum is great for metabolism. The nutrients in these tangy vegetables lower triglycerides in the fat deposits in blood corpuscles. This not only burns extra calories, but also energizes the metabolism.
  • A rich source of vitamin A and C, capsicum also has antioxidant properties. These antioxidants combat the free radicals in the body and treat cardiac diseases, cataract, bronchial asthma and osteoarthritis. The vegetable prevents the damage that can be rendered on the body by free radicals, namely, cellular damage and damage to blood vessels and nerves.
  • The capsaicin compound in capsicum can block the transmission of pain to the spinal cord from the skin. Thus, including capsicum in meals is good for those undergoing post-operative amputation trauma and herpes.
  • The same compound, capsaicin is believed to prevent cancer. This compound prevents carcinogens from mixing with the DNA. Studies and research also shows that capsicum has cancer-preventing properties.
  • Capsicum has blood clotting properties. Vitamin C in capsicum can melt away the blood clots.
  • Capsaicin in capsicum can combat food-borne bacteria from affecting the body.
  • Capsicum is also used to make a kind of cream, which is used to treat arthritis and shingles.
  • Capsicum is also said to aid digestion by increasing stomach secretions. It is also known for its laxative qualities.
  • Capsicum is also used to treat chronic rhinitis.
  • Low in fat, cholesterol and calories, capsicum is so much more than just a flavoring agent.
  • Capsicum extract and capsicum seeds are used for Oleoresin Capsicum or capsicum oleoresin spray. It is a pepper spray with a lachrymatory agent that can irritate the eyes and can cause temporary blindness. This spray is used by the police for mob control and by women as a personal self-defense tool.
Capsicum cancer 
All colored capsicums are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. These are very helpful in preventing cancers of the pancreas, cervix, prostrate and bladder. Studies have shown that capsicum helps to halt the spread of pancreatic cancer. The capsaicin in capsicum also helps to prevent leukemia and could be useful for slowing down or preventing the growth of other cancers as well. The compound capsaicin prevents carcinogens from mixing with the DNA. Research and studies have proved that this property of capsaicin could have several health benefits. Capsaicin is able to cut off the oxygen supply to cancerous cells and tumors and this property is currently being researched with a view to developing less invasive cancer treatment methods.

Capsicum health
There are several healthy benefits that one can get by eating capsicum. These benefits from capsicum include:-
• The vegetable is known to have a laxative effect and therefore helps those who suffer with constipation.
• Diabetics also benefit from eating capsicum as it is believed to be beneficial in treating the disease.
• The anti septic properties in capsicum make is effective in treating food poisoning. If taken with a great deal of probiotics, it can help to eliminate yeast and fungal infection problems like athlete’s foot, ringworm, shingles and so on.
• Capsicum is good for the optical system as well. The high content of Vitamin C and beta carotene in this vegetable helps to prevent eye problems like cataracts, macular degeneration, and astigmatism.
• Capsicum also helps to improve circulation due to its stimulating properties.
• Capsicum can also strengthen the body’s immune system. It is rich in Vitamin C and this vitamin stimulates the white cells to fight infection.
• It is also known for various anti inflammatory properties.
• Capsicum is also useful in preventing respiratory problems like lung infections, asthma, and emphysema, wheezing and so. This is due to the Vitamin C and flavonoids present in it.
• Capsicum also helps in repairing the worn out tissues of the intestine and stomach. It helps in the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes as well.
Capsicum is an important food which has numerous health benefits. However some people may experience some adverse capsicum side effects. Those are who are not used to eating capsicum may experience discomfort from oral or topical exposure to capsicum. In some cases, capsaicin may aggravate the symptoms of dyspepsia and gastroenteritis. Oleoresin is an extract of capsicum which is commonly used in pepper sprays. The oleoresin in capsicum can cause side effects such as burning, redness and inflammation. Inhalation of oleoresin can also lead to burning of the nose, throat and mouth, coughing and gagging. These side effects are temporary and disappear in a short amount of time.


Saluyot (Corchorus olitorius) is an edible leafy vegetable that is a member of the  genus Corchorus, classified under the subfamily Grewioideae of the family Malvaceae. Saluyot is widely found in tropical and subtropical areas from Asia to Africa valued as food and for its strong fiber. Saluyot has long been used as food staple since ancient times by Jewish people and Egyptians hence derived its English names Jew’s mallow and Egyptian spinach.
Saluyot leaves are very nutritious, it is rich in calcium, iron, protein, vitamin A, C and E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and dietary fibers.  Saluyot is usually cooked as stew, forming a thick slimy syrup similar in consistency to okra usually taken with rice or other starchy staple.
Saluyot can almost grow anywhere in the Philippines. Saluyot is a hardy plant that is resistant to pests and requires little care. It can be found in the wild as it can also be grown in a farm.
Saluyot plants are tall, reaching 2-4 meters in height, having only a few side branches. Saluyot  leaves are alternate, simple, lanceolate, about 5-15 cm in length tapering to a pointed tip and has finely serrated margin. Saluyot flowers are yellow about 2-3 cm wide with five petals. The fruit is capsule like with plenty of small seeds inside.

Saluyot herbal medicine – Health Benefits

Saluyot being rich in vitamins and minerals generally promotes good health and well-being.
Saluyot being rich in vitamin A can provide health benefits for good eyesight.
Saluyot contains vitamin E and other antioxidants. It is said to prevent wrinkles and promote youthful looking skin.
Saluyot is used to treat inflammation and pain such as arthritis , headache, stomach ache and others.
Saluyot being rich in fiber helps to control blood pressure, cholesterol build-up, diabetes and prevents heart disease.
Saluyot leaves are rich in fiber and its slimy consistency when cooked is used to treat various digestive problems such as diarrhea, stomach ache, dysentery, constipation and ulcers.
It is also claimed that together with other herbs it can cure cancer.
Benefits of Saluyot for Diabetes
A study conducted in Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, India reported that by  administering powdered Saluyot supplements to pregnant rats, both the mother and the fetus exhibited an increased resistance in diabetes induced oxidative stress versus a control group. The results suggest that Saluyot supplementation during pregnancy may provide beneficial effects against diabetes induced oxidative stress both for the mother and the fetus. (Journal of Diabetes. March 2013: Dietary supplementation with Ipomoea aquatica attenuates maternal and fetal oxidative stress in streptozotocin-diabetic rats)
Beneficial Effects of Saluyot Against Liver Disease
The Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Malaya in Malaysia conducted a study on the protective action of Saluyot against thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rats to determine if Saluyot can indeed help treat jaundice. An ethanol extract of Saluyot has been administered to rats subjected to liver damage by thioacetamide. Results had shown that the rats when compared to a control group showed resistance against liver lesions, cell necrosis and inflammation. The study further suggests that the protective effect of Saluyot extract  in chemical-induced liver damage might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects. Moreover, it confirms a scientific basis for the traditional use of Saluyot for the treatment of liver disorders. (Molecules. 2012: Ipomoea aquatica extract shows protective action against thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity)


Kulitis is known in Philippine various dialects as tampala, uray, kuyapa or kujapa; internationally it is known as Chinese spinach and pig weed in the US. It is considered to be the highest tropical yielding leaf plant with excellent nutritional value.
The plant is rich in calcium, iron and vitamin A. The scientific name of kulitis is Amaranthus Spinosus L. Studies have shown that amaranths are good source of medicinal cure that can be beneficial to lactating mothers and use to treat patients with fever, hemorrhage, anemia and kidney complaints.
Kulitis can be found almost everywhere in any land of the tropics. Its prominence goes along with other weeds and to people who cannot readily recognize the beneficial plant where many people think that kulitis is just but an ordinary specie of weeds.
The wind and the birds are commended for its proliferation aside from that it can grow even in poor soils and is drought resistant. It grows even faster and abundantly on rainy days.
The benefits that can be derived from the plant is almost unknown to young and middle aged people except for those who are seventy years old and above. The plant can be easily propagated and therefore it can be advantageous to would be growers and farmers as a good source of income inasmuch that it is not readily available in the market.
  • Decoction of the root is useful in the treatment of gonorrhoea. A common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra.
  • Bruised leaves are used locally for eczema. Generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin; particularly with vesiculation in the acute stages.
  • Plant is used as a sudorific and febrifuge and is recommended in eruptive fevers.
  • Used as an antidote for snake-poison and as a lactagogue (enhance production of mother’s breastmilk).
  • The plant is used as an expectorant and to relieve breathing in acute bronchitis.
  • The root is known elsewhere as an effective diuretic. It is also useful in treatment of menorrhagia, an abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation; can be a symptom of uterine tumors and can lead to anemia if prolonged



 Ipomoea batatas is not only popular for its sweet tuberous roots, its leaves or greens are very popular in China, where they are extensively consumed as a vegetable. In other countries as Africa and Asia, Ipomoea batatas leaves or greens are considered a very healthy food and an excellent source of dietary Polyphenols such as anthocyanins and phenolic acids, and these are not the only sweet potato benefits, they have many more.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties of Sweet potato – Polyphenols are active constituents of many well known herbs and plants, some of them use in traditional herbal remedies, known to interact on different ways against carcinogenesistumour cell proliferationapoptosismetastasis and inflammation [15]. This is maybe one of the reasons why Ipomoea batatas leaves have been effectively used in herbal medicine to treat inflammatory and/or infectious oral diseases in Brazil.They also exert powerful antioxidant properties. In olives Polyphenols contribute to give a bitter taste to olives and act also as astringents.
  • Sweet potatoes and skin protection
They play a very important role on disease prevention and treatment. Herbs as green tea are rich in Polyphenols and it has been demonstrated that this active constituent may be the reason why green tea exhibits significant antioxidantchemopreventive, and immunomodulatory effects in protecting the skin.
  • Sweet potatoes Polyphenols and Prostate Cancer
Sweet potato greens extract are also rich in Polyphenols, they have the maximum polyphenol content compared with several commercial vegetables including spinach. The health benefits of Polyphenols in Ipomoea batatas extend to many areas, the Polyphenol-rich sweet potato greens extract exerts significant antiproliferative activity in a panel of prostate cancer cell lines while sparing normal prostate epithelial cells. This is the first report to demonstrate the in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of sweet potato greens in prostate cancer.
  • Polyphenol properties of Sweet potatoes
The constituent polyphenolics of Sweet potato greens display antimutagenicanti-diabeticantibacterialanti-inflammatory and anticancer activity. This last one, the chemo preventive action, has been suggested by a case–control study in Taiwan reporting that higher Sweet potato greens  consumption is associated with reduced lung cancer risk. Other studies have reported its medicinal use, specifically its anti-diabetic and antiviral properties.
Sweet potato leaves also contain triterpenes and steroids, alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenolic acids as secondary metabolites with potential biological activities. They are an excellent source of antioxidative polyphenolics, namely anthocyaninsand phenolic acids such as caffeic, monocaffeoylquinic (chlorogenic), dicaffeoylquinic, Phenols, flavonoids, β-carotene and tricaffeoylquinic acids. The major anthocyanins in sweet potato greens are cyanidin-type rather than peonidin-type.


Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders and diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosisAlzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Oxidative stress is caused by the imbalance between the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and ROS elimination in the biological system, something that can be prevented to a certain degree by antioxidants as the ones present in Ipomoea batatas.
Aging represents a biological phenomenon that can be considered as an inevitable progressive process related to the accumulation of the above-mentioned oxidative damage. During normal aging, the brain undergoes morphological and functional changes resulting in the observed behavioral retrogression such as declines in motor and cognitive performance.
In a study performed in mice, it was demonstrated how Purple sweet potato color administration attenuated D-gal-induced aging-related changes in mouse brain [20], another benefit among the many Sweet potato benefits. Ipomoea batatas may that way contribute to prevent a type of oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of D-galactose (D-gal), a naturally occurring chemical substance in the body that at high levels can cause the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), finally resulting in oxidative stress [20] and the age-related neurodegenerative disorders already mentioned.

Source of Articles:

Linggo, Disyembre 29, 2013

Health Solution : Common colds to Chronic Diseases

Read from top to bottom pls ^_^ ?

Just want to share these quotes from Hippocrates first...

I believe that this is really important.Before we can do something to help a person,is to know their level of willingness or desire to be cured/helped.Are they willing to listen and try anything that might help them?Are they open to an idea that they can still be helped?Do they really have the courage to fight and survive?

The Bible said...

Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) said...

The Food Pyramid

Our Problems today...

That's why,I want to introduce this to everyone who seek for cure/solution to their health problems...

First Vita Plus

Unlike any other synthetic medicines in capsule or tablet forms, First Vita Plus is a NATURAL HEALTH DRINK which can be taken any time of the day. There is no specific dosage or schedule of taking it. Even if you drink as many as you can within the day, it would even have a better effect for you! The more sachet you consume a day, the faster you can recover if you're suffering from a certain disease. No worries! It doesn't have overdose or side effects!

Also, First Vita Plus 5 POWER herbs are DIFFERENT from other herbs that are taken for a specific kind of sickness (example is lagundi, which can only be taken when you have cough) because our Natural Health Drink can be taken at any occasion. It's just like eating the "healthiest set" of vegetables you could ever combine!

Read more about the following...

Corporate History : Read more about our company.

Main Ingredients : First Vita Plus's 5 power herbs.The best combination of vegetables to help our built in doctor.See what they can do to our health.

Main Products : First Vita Plus health drinks Dalandan,Melon,Guyabano,and Mangosteen flavor.

Health Symposiums : Learn more about Life style diseases and Healing Crisis.

Health testimonies : Read every person's inspiring stories of hope and cure in the midst of their battle against diseases.See and believe the power of First Vita Plus that knows no specific disease.

Awards & Certificates : Grand slam awardee.

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